Maximize Your Medicare (2017 Edition): Understanding Medicare, Protecting Your Health, and Minimizing CostsNow Available Medicare is the cornerstone of retirement planning in the United States. The reason is simple: healthcare costs, as people age, represent the single largest threat to a persons financial and personal well-being. It affects more than a single person. Family members and those that support the individual are all inevitably affected. The Rules Are Complicated The reason that people misunderstand Medicare is that while the language looks the same as other health insurance, but it actually works differently, in important ways. Enrollment eligibility Late enrollment penalties Separate health and prescription drug components Financial assistance at federal and state levels Special enrollment exceptions is written so that consumers understand the wide variety of choices they have, and when they should choose. also points out the pitfalls that one can avoid, if and only if the consumer understands the rules correctly. While intimidating and confusing to many, Medicare rules largely favor the consumer, as long as the consumer fully understands those rules. Selection is Complicated There are a wide variety of choices available, and some of those choices change every year. clarifies the key differences among the choices. The eleganceof Medicare is that it does not discriminate: every person has the exact same rights and options when first turning 65 years old. That does not mean that every person will choose the same path. The number of combinations that can influence "what is best for you" is too large to count. Among these factors are: Financial resources Personal / family health history Prescriptions required Healthcare provider access provides real-life examples, called "This Happens," which highlight both the mistakes that people have made in the past, and the excellent outcomes when the consumer considers his/her situation thoroughly. The Rules Are Not Enough There are 57 million Medicare beneficiaries, and approximately 10,000 turn 65 every day, something that will continue for the next two decades. While it may be convenient for others to claim that they can "fix" or "improve" Medicare, the demographic and fiscal reality is that this single issue will be on the top of the national agenda. While convenient to "find someone else to blame" for the lack of complete information available, is written so that the consumer (and those around him/her) can deal with Medicare in a practical, well-reasoned way. is written with the idea that every stakeholder (the Medicare consumer, physician, hospital, pharmaceutical, attorney, etc) is acting rationally, within the rules that they must follow. is a guide to help consumers, within those same set of complex rules. About the Author Mr. Oh is a nationally-recognized Medicare expert, one of three expert panelists on, powered by one of the nation's largest Medicare carriers. He has appeared in person in front of seniors, professionals, and companies. He has been quoted in the national press (USA Today,, and on talk radio stations. Mr. Oh is a graduate of the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), and the Booth School of Business at The University of Chicago. You can find further information online: www.maximizeyourmedicare.comDimensions: 22.91 x 15.19 x 0.99 centimetres (0.2 kg)今すぐ利用可能 メディケアは、米国における退職計画の基礎です。
ルールは複雑です 人々がメディケアを誤解する理由は、その言語は他の医療保険と同じように見えますが、実際には重要な点で異なった働きをします。
選択は複雑です 利用可能な選択肢は多岐にわたり、選択肢の中には毎年変わるものもあります。
これらの要素の中には、 財務リソース個人/家族の病歴必要な処方医療従事者のアクセスは、過去に人々がした間違いと、消費者が自分の状況を徹底的に検討したときの優れた結果の両方を強調する、「これは起こる」という実例を提供します。
ルールは十分ではありません メディケアの受益者は5700万人、毎日約1万人の65歳です。
著者について オー氏は、全米最大のメディケアキャリアの1つであるMyMedicareAnswers.comの3名の専門パネリストの1人で、全国的に認知されているメディケアの専門家です。
彼は全国プレス(USA Today、とトークラジオ局で引用されています。
オンラインでさらに詳しい情報を見つけることができます 寸法:22.91 x 15.19 x 0.99センチメートル(0.2 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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